After school today, the little girls and I are sitting at the kitchen table doing some homework assignments. For some reason in our home, don't ask me why, the fun always begins at the kitchen table. I hear the word " duece" in conversation between Paige(6) and Liana(4). I hear the word, they giggle, I look up with the really face. Here is how it went.
Paige- " are you looking at me bc I said duece?"
Me- " YES, what's a duece Paige?"
Paige- " you know. Its what dad takes every morning and night."
YES, this is exactly how she defined it.
First off, WHY does she know this term?
Second, where did she hear this from?
Third, why is she teaching Liana this term?
Don't even get me started on the language in this house. They are so Donnie's children. They look identical to him. They talk like him; like dirty truckers. They are known as mini-me, and mini-mini-me in this house. Back to the language. It annoys me. Badly. Ok, so I admit duece isn't such a bad word, but still. What happens when we are out to eat with family or something and somebody farts like they usually do(daddy). One of them is bound to say " Oooh, dad dropped a duece." Its kind of embarrasing really.
I can't get over why Paige already knows these things! I knew what a duece was. Sometimes when they say these things, I wonder if its just a term she's heard or if she really does know what the dirty lingo means. Aren't little girls suppose to be dainty, pretty,ruffly, and sweet? Paige is anything but those things. Is this how they are always going to talk?! I'm afraid Liana doesn't stand a chance. Liana will be the kid that comes home from Pre-K with a yellow because she used the term duece at school.
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