The first soccer games of the season were on Saturday. Zuri and Liana had a game at 11am and Paige had a game at 12. The little girls were up early and excited. I start to get everybody bathed and hair ready for the games. Once they are clean I start to get them dressed. Liana starts to have a meltdown over the zebra socks. She does not want to wear them. They are adorable, but thick. Unusually thick. I get Zuri's on and she starts complaining as well. Zuri starts posing for photos and is going with the flow. Liana goes to bed. This could go two ways. She could take a little nap and be good to go for the game, or be cranky, tired, and not play. Of course we go in the second direction. On the way to games I put their favorite music in the CD player which consists of Jessie J- Domino and Selena Gomez. Not working. We get to the game and Z is good to go, Liana..not so much. She cries the entire game. Uuuughh. We had four practices with these little 4 and 5 year olds, who may I remind you have never played before. None of them. We get on the field and Donnie immediately informs me that we are in trouble because our opposing team is really good. He was serious. They creamed us. These girls were an established team and played together last season, then went on to play indoor soccer for the remaining part of the soccer off season for the rest of us. Donnie stopped counting goals at 8-1. It was a confidence blow, but a learning experience as well. We know what we need to work on now. I've never played soccer, but didn't want these little girls who are all besties to be split up. The whole point of the little girls playing soccer this season was not to gain skills, but for social purposes of course. Well..maybe a few skills.

Paige's game. Last season was Paige's first season. She was terrible mediocre. She has showed some progress during practices this week and has an excellent new coach who has lots of experience. Paige starts the kickoff for the game. The first kick she kicks the wrong direction. How you can do this I really don't know. The re-kick she misses the ball completely. We finally get a decent kick out of her and here we go. Her team has a few really good kids. Thank god. Paige is not one of them. The kid can not run. She is slowwwwww. Even before the first game was over Donnie and I are chatting about how this will be her last season. Maybe we are jumping the gun on this, maybe not. We knew going into this season that she would not be playing in the fall anyways due to cheerleading. I think she will make a good cheerleader. She's tiny like I was as a kid, loud as hell, and obnoxious. She will make a good cheerleader right?! She looked cute at least..
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